Monday, June 9, 2008

June's Book of the Month

I love books. They're fun, sturdy, and good for reaching objects on tall shelves. Supposedly, you can also learn things.

A few posts ago, I mentioned that I was working on an author interview. The author who has graciously agreed to my awkward interviewing techniques?

Why, that'd be Jancee Dunn, author of the forthcoming "Don't You Forget About Me."

(Cue Kermit the Frog-like screaming.)

Anyway, before she became a novelist and full-time freelancer for places like Vanity Fair and The New York Times, Jancee was a first-rate reporter at Rolling Stone, where she interviewed A-list celebrities like Mel Gibson, Cameron Diaz, and Ben Affleck.

That leads us to the book of the month.

In 2006, Dunn wrote a terrific memoir, But Enough About Me, where she recounted her days growing up in New Jersey and becoming a nervous, but crafty reporter for Rolling Stone. The book also talks about her relationship with her family and about her becoming, well, a grown up. Dunn is a superb writer--humane, self-effacing, and very, very funny. It's a perfect summer read.

For anyone who wants to interview celebrities, the book should be required reading on how to write profiles that don't resemble press releases. (I'm serious, folks.) She offers lots and lots of tips and some great stories to boot. My favorite is the one involves Scott Weiland and Jancee's frantic bathroom phone call to her sister.

So, for those keep tracking track, the books of the month are:

May: No One Belongs Here More than You by Miranda July
June: But Enough About Me by Jancee Dunn

Get reading, slackers! Another book is coming in July...

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