Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Review of "The Vow"

The review, which appeared in "The Weekender" is here. If your checklist for a good movie includes Channing Tatum's ass, then you're in luck. Everyone else should rent "The Notebook" again, which "The Vow" desperately emulates.

Or track down 1991's "Frankie & Johnny" (pictured). It's a working-class romance starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Al Pacino as co-workers at a New York coffee shop; he's optimistic and well-read, she's a world-weary high school drop out. It's a love story about real people with real issues who approach a promising relationship from two different but potentially destructive mindsets. Pacino, before he became whatever he is, and Pfeiffer are terrific. You know who directed it? Garry Marshall, who at one point made movies that were not adapted from greeting cards.

What are some other good date night movies that men and women should like. Here are 10 quick selections from multiple decades:

1.) "An Officer and a Gentleman"
2.) "Out of Sight"
3.) "The American President"
4.) "Love Actually"
5.) "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"
6.) "Bringing Up Baby"
7.) "Annie Hall"
8.) "Some Like it Hot"
9.) "Roman Holiday" (even though Gregory Peck's formal delivery nearly ruins it)

And then there's a lovely movie slated for release next month that is a solid option. I'll talk more about that in March.

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